Chess Spectator Gallery

Chess Spectator » Gallery

Chess Spectator is a unique App designed to help chess clubs, players, tournament and chess event organisers all over the world to increase the enjoyment and awareness of chess, by connecting with your chess network.


Download the App for your device now and try it for yourself. No matter how regularly you play chess this App will improve your enjoyment.

Get it now!

googleAndroid... Download the Chess Spectator App from the Google Play Store to begin broadcasting your LIVE chess games today.

googleWindows... Download the Chess Spectator Manager Application to ensure success of broadcasts and to exercise complete control over game delivery.

“This App has completely revolutionized the way we view chess games, we now never have to wait around for the results to come in, we can time our day perfectly. I don't know how we ever lived without it.”

Club Players, Curragh Chess Club